Ways to Serve

Engage and Serve

Staff members do not run our ministries at Grace. They are made possible by church members giving their time to serve and care for their Grace Family. If you want to dig deeper into connection and fellowship at GBC, fill out our Volunteer Form and let us know!

Fill Out Volunteer Form

Sunday Mornings

First Impressions Team
Greet guests at the front doors, sanctuary doors, or the welcome desk.
Coffee Bar
Serve coffee at either our 9:00am or 10:45am service.
GraceKIDS Check-Ins
Check-in families at our KIDS Check-Ins stations at our 10:45am service.
GraceKIDS Teacher (Nursery, JAM, Children’s Church)
Teach our littlest and mightiest about who God is!
Prayer Team
Pray with others before, during, or after our worship services at our prayer stations.
Worship Team
Lead the congregation in worship on Sunday mornings!
Tech Team
Run the sound, slides, or lights for Sunday services!

Community Impact

The Hope Market
We have monthly Grace Days that our church serves at the local food pantry. The Hope Market also needs occasional help unloading trucks or at fundraisers.
We provide meals/snacks for 50 students each weekend through our school partnerships. Organize donations, pack the Backsnacks, and then deliver them to the schools.
Joy Closet
Serve with us on the 3rd Saturday each month from 10:00am – 2:00pm.


Building Team
Maintain our physical building by doing occasional maintenance, meeting with service men to fix building issues, and general building upkeep.
Finance Team: Tithe Counter
Count the in-person tithes and offerings after Sunday services. You must be a member of Grace Baptist Church to volunteer in this position.
Safety Team
Provide a safe environment for Sunday morning worship.